Installing MAgPIE in local environment

2 minute read

The Model of Agricultural Production and its Impact on the Environment (MAgPIE) is a modular open source framework for modeling global land-systems, which is helpful for many researchers. I use Podman & conda to successfully install it on a local environment in an MacOS M2 chip.

Clone the github repository to computer

git clone magpie

Use the dockfile

It is possible to use the defualt dockerfile to install it, however, it may be slow because of incomptiable systems. I tested and tailored the dockerfile to allow it to install using conda package manager, which is faster and easier to use.

Change the dockerfile to

FROM --platform=linux/x86_64 continuumio/miniconda3

# set the proxy, if needed

RUN apt-get update --fix-missing \
 && apt-get upgrade -y --fix-missing \
 && apt-get install -y vim

RUN mkdir /home/magpie
COPY . /home/magpie/

COPY .condarc /root/.condarc

RUN conda clean -i

RUN conda install r-base r-ncdf4 r-raster r-tidyverse r-curl r-yaml r-cli r-rlang r-lifecycle r-stringi r-plyr r-stringr r-reshape2 r-jsonlite r-data.table r-ps r-processx r-fs r-igraph r-renv r-callr r-promises r-httpuv r-fontawesome r-gridExtra r-plotly r-shiny r-writexl r-lintr r-systemfonts r-openssl r-gert r-usethis r-devtools r-RcppEigen r-checkmate r-survival r-cluster r-rpart r-lpSolve r-interp r-geometry r-pander r-foreign r-maps r-KernSmooth r-viridis

# Set GAMS version

# Set GAMS bit architecture, either 'x64_64' or 'x86_32'

# Download GAMS
RUN curl -SL "${LATEST}/linux/linux_${GAMS_BIT_ARC}_sfx.exe" --create-dirs -o /opt/gams/gams.exe

# Install GAMS
RUN cd /opt/gams &&\
    chmod +x gams.exe; sync &&\
    cp /home/magpie/gamslice.txt . &&\
    ./gams.exe &&\
    rm -rf gams.exe

COPY gamslice.txt /opt/gams/gams${LATEST_SHORT}_linux_${GAMS_BIT_ARC}_sfx/gamslice.txt
# Add GAMS path to user env path
RUN GAMS_PATH=$(dirname $(find / -name gams -type f -executable -print)) &&\
    ln -s $GAMS_PATH /usr/local/bin &&\
    echo "export PATH=\$PATH:$GAMS_PATH" >> ~/.bashrc &&\
    echo "export GAMS_PATH=$GAMS_PATH" >> ~/.bashrc &&\
    cd $GAMS_PATH &&\
    ./gamsinst -a

RUN R -e "options(repos = \
  list(CRAN = '',pik=''),timeout=1e100); \
  install.packages(c('gdxrrw', \
           'citation', \
           'gdx', \
           'gms', \
           'magclass', \
           'madrat', \
           'mip', \
           'lucode2', \
           'magpie4', \

Install and set up podman

Podman is an alternative to docker. You may check the document here.

After installing podman, set the proxy

export http_proxy=''
export http_proxys=''

change the default number of CPU and size of memory

podman machine init --cpus 2 --memory 4096

Install mapgie and related packages

You must obtain the GAMS license and move it to working dir before using dockerfile.


sudo podman build -t magpie .
podman exec -it magpie /bin/bash