About me

Hello and welcome! I am a researcher specializing in climate change, air pollution, and agriculture. I will be a PhD student in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University in this fall. Currently, I am pursuing a master’s degree at the School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University. I received my B.Eng. in Environmental Engineering from the China University of Mining and Technology.

My research interests involve using machine learning tools and causal inference techniques to study the impact of atmospheric environmental factors, such as air pollution and climate change, on plant and human health outcomes. I primarily use the programming language R for my research and am particularly passionate about working with tidy data.

I have had the privilege of having my academic work published or forthcoming in Earth’s Future, Geophysical Research Letters, Nature Food, and Communications Earth & Environment. My research covers a range of topics, including assessing the impact of air pollution and heat stress on crop yield in the U.S., utilizing state-of-the-art machine learning methods to study the global distribution of ozone, and examining the effects of air quality policies on China’s food security. I employ a variety of methods, such as statistical learning, geospatial analysis, and big data analysis.

Please check out my publications to learn more about my work.